Digital Transformation: Ready, set, go

Your company would like to benefit from the advantages of a Smart Factory. So far, so good. But how to start the transformation? And what to transform exactly?

Those who are at the beginning of a Digital Transformation are often unclear about the individual possibilities for their own company. It's like before any upcoming change: You first need an overview and a common direction.

The aim of the Smart Starter program is to provide orientation on terms from the areas of Smart Factory and Digital Transformation, to give inspiration for the possibilities and advantages and to present the procedure for a successful Digital Transformation in a comprehensible manner. In addition, strategies and recommendations for action for your own Digital Transformation are developed in the program.

Web-based and target-group specific.

A low effort, high impact program setting the foundation for a successful Digital Transformation.


The Smart Starter Program is divided into two modules, which can best be taken one after the other, but also independently of one another.

Virtual XPerience
The entire program is web-based and carried out remotely.


All participants obtain the same understanding of wording and methodology.

All participants get inspired on what is possible to realize and what benefits are to expect​.

All participants understand major steps to realize a Digital Transformation.​

All participants gain the same big picture for the Digital Transformation in your company.​

Digital Certification: Get qualified!

All participants receive a certificate and a virtual badge for the successful completion of the program, qualifying them as Digital Transformation Manager (Smart Factory Management Bootcamp) or Smart Factory Professional (Smart Factory Qualification Lab).

Module Details

Completely Online
Smart Start for your Top Management

Smart Factory Management Bootcamp

  • Qualification
  • Inspiration
  • Alignment
  • Digital Strategy
  • Remote

A highly intensive training followed by a strategic workshop for the C-level, Upper Management and Directors:

  • Set the Base > Qualification​: Theory and Know-how
  • Set the Mind > Inspiration: Worldwide BestPractices
  • Set the Frame > Realization: Overall Set-Up and Success Factors
  • Set the Future > Alignment: Shaping the Future with the Client

Within 4 high-speed modules with a duration of 2 hours each, your top management will be provided with all facts on how to run a Digital Transformation. Besides basic know-how, use cases of realized projects are shared with multi-media content. Furthermore the detailed steps you need to go to digitally transform your operations are explained. Finally, voting results from participants, that have been collected after each keynote or use case will be analyzed and conclusions are drawn on the major challenges and action items to make your digital transformation a success.

The USP of the format lies in the mix between qualification and individual consulting services:
The many Smart Factory use cases are evaluated by the participants with regard to their relevance for the company. This creates a clear picture of the individual main challenges and measures.


4 x 2 h / + individual home study


up to 200 participants (C-level, Upper Management and Directors)



Web-based Training, accessible worldwide


up to 200 participants at the same time


High Participant involvement thanks to frequent speed voting sessions

NEONEX experts provide insights in how to run a Digital Transformation successfully.
Completely Online
Smart Start for your Core Team

Smart Factory Qualification Lab

  • Qualification
  • Inspiration
  • Remote

An interactive training with many practical exercises to build a common understanding regarding principles of Digitalization and a clear idea of a sustainable and successful Digital Transformation among Middle Management, Experts and Staff.

  • Sharing of Theory & Knowledge > Gaining the same level of understanding on principles, methodology and technology
  • Interactive Sessions > Practical exercises on the identification of digital wastes and the development of Smart Factory Use Cases
  • Virtual Best Practice Sharing > Evaluating activities against global benchmarks.
  • Identifying major road-blocks and key success factors > Conducting a SWOT analysis for your own company.

The USP of the format lies in the mix between theoretical input and interactive discussion:
The many Smart Factory use cases are evaluated by the participants with regard to their relevance for the company.
The small group size of maximal 10 participants guarantees a high level of involvement and personal benefit.


12 x 1h / individual home study


20 Participants in two groups of 10 people
(Middle Management, Experts and Staff)



Web-based Training, accessible worldwide

Small group sizes

Room for individual questions & issues


The content of the 12 sessions can be tailored to your company's needs


Interactive discussions and detailed example videos


Dr. Peter Stephan, Senior Partner & Co-Founder
Dr. Peter Stephan
Senior Partner & Co-Founder


Qualification on essential terminology
Inspiration through global best practices
Process knowledge on digital transformation
Common alignment for the own company


Individual program, about 3-4 days